Linda said she pronounces it 'fin-see' and now I do too. I have missed the last couple ones, but I am going to make the time for at least one this month. There are two FNSI nights- the 9th and the 16th.
Maybe I will get my tree skirt done. The tree is up, but not decorated. The deal was Emily was going to come over and I would work on the tree skirt. Our schedules just haven't worked, but this was an email exchange from a couple months ago where I blamed her for not having my tree skirt done.
Why am I so bare?
I am so unfinished.
My stand needs to be comforted and warmed.
Alas, I have no skirt.
Oh Christmas tree
Do not frown
You will be dressed and warmed
Before snow is on the ground
I've enjoyed catching up on your posts, about your fabric trips and buying in India. Glad to know you can participate in both December FNSIs. I can't! Other obligations. Darn. Enjoy yourself, and get a lot done.