Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Overthinking colours

I went back and forth and back and forth on the Cherry House Quilt Along colour selection. In the end I went with a couple yellows and one orange. I went ahead and cut because I knew if I waited I would have started all over again. The colours aren't showing up very well in the picture, but I am pleased. I have no idea which combination of colours I ended up with. I know Papaya for certain and maybe Corn Yellow.

So after choosing my colours I was left with a pile of peachy looking beiges. I decided I might as well do another one. I went to Hobby Lobby with Emily over lunch today and picked up Caramel and Coffee as the background. One of the other colours is Ocher, but the other two I am unsure about. I haven't cut them yet. When I do, I will post a picture.


  1. I understand what you are going through! I do that as well, over think the choices, sometimes until I am too paralyzed to make a choice! At least you didn't reach that point, you are going forward!

  2. Oh no, I was in non-functioning mode. My friend Emily was the one who pushed me forward.
